Beauty; Halloween makeup β˜ 

I have never done this before. Like ever. Not even attempted until now. I’m not really a Halloween kind of girl, but I thought I’d join in the fun. It’s not often you can create these kind of looks & have fun doing it. 

I spent Sunday morning whilst Sam was at football creating these looks.. then I definitely couldn’t wait to scrub them off & jump straight in the bath πŸ˜‚ 

These two were the messiest so I created them first. I loved doing these as I got to play around with shapes etc. Some kind of weird clown & a funky skull/doll ☠ what do you think for a first attempt? 

This one is my fav purely because I feel like it’s a bit more me.. You know what I mean? I was going for a chilly ice queen vibe.. If I was blonde though I feel like I’m more like elsa  from frozen πŸ’πŸ½β„οΈ

Hope you’ve had a fabulous Halloween whatever you have been doing. Whether you celebrate it or not, have some treats 😜 I’ve got a glass of wine in hand ready to watch something scary πŸ‘ŒπŸ½

Blogging; Meet Roxanne πŸŽ€

Roxanne is so lovely, a complete fashion & beauty guru. Her Twitter is full of motivational tweets! And we’re always talking about our pretty little thing hauls πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚

What made you decide to start blogging? 

After being in the beauty industry for around ten years, I really wanted to start sharing my knowledge and experience with beauty. My aim has always been to help others with their beauty know-how. My blog is a place for people who love to learn new things and/or need a little guidance and I am keen to reach out to others that share my passion for beauty

Do you having a blogging niche? Or do you just write about whatever you enjoy?

My blog is mainly centred around beauty. Makeup, skincare, nails and hair being my main topics. But I occasionally like to blog about lifestyle stuff as well. This gives my readers a chance to get to me know better and really share my journey.

Who would you say are your blogging inspirations? 

My biggest blog inspiration would be β€˜In The Frow’. I read her blog way before I even thought about starting mine. The things she has achieved are so inspiring and I love her drive. She motivates me everyday to be better!

How long have you been blogging? 

I have only been blogging for 10 months. My blogs birthday is at the end of January, how exciting! I was doing other social media bits for quite a while before my blog launched.

What is your favourite social media platform for sharing your blog?

Although I have a love/hate relationship with it, I have to say Instagram. I really enjoy creating content and sharing it on there (even if Instagram doesn’t show it to anyone haha!)

Any tips for new bloggers? 

Be yourself! Stand out from the crowd. Try not to compare yourself to others because that will just dishearten you. Instead use them as your inspiration and future goals. Learn from your mistakes and failures and don’t forget to enjoy it!

Thanks for the great tips! I didn’t realise you hadn’t been blogging for very long! You’re a natural πŸ’πŸ½  the nails I see you create are beautiful by the way too 

Blogging; Meet Emma J πŸ‘‹πŸ½

Today we’re meeting Emma J! Emma has some lovely photos on her Instagram feed & she loves to blog about food. (My kind of woman) πŸ’πŸ½

What made you decide to start blogging? 

I started blogging because I love writing and taking photographs so felt blogging would be a great way to meet like minded people and enhance my hobby.

Do you having a blogging niche? Or do you just write about whatever you enjoy? 

I tend to stick with writing about lifestyle (anything from food reviews/product reviews to tips, guides and travel)

Who would you say are your blogging inspirations? 

My biggest blogger inspirations are; Alice Spake the founder of Southampton Bloggers, Inthefrow for her wonderful content and bethsandland because I love her fashion photos.

How long have you been blogging? 

I have been blogging since February 2018. Just over 7 months! 

What is your favourite social media platform for sharing your blog?

My favourite social media is twitter, I love the engagement with fellow bloggers. 

Any tips for new bloggers?

New Bloggers; remember your blog is your own space. Write about what you love and your audience will find you.
 I agree with Emma that Twitter has the best engagement between bloggers! You’re doing amazingly if you have only been blogging 7 months! You’re a natural 😍☺️

Blogging; Meet Rachael πŸ‚

We’re meeting Rachael today she is a Geordie blogger ☺️  why aye man! Her Instagram feed is so autumnal right now, absolute goals.

What made you start blogging?

I had been thinking of starting a blog for about 18 months but hadn’t had the time to really get something actually off the ground. So what finally gave me the kick up the bum I needed was something I spotted on Twitter which got me really riled up. I pointed it out to a few people I know professionally on Twitter and was invited to write a guest blog post for a Public Relations website on the topic which you can see here. I also wrote a couple of blog posts for my day job too.

After that I decided to stop putting it off and took the plunge to set up my own blog and over a year later here we are!

Do you have a blogging niche? Or do you just write about whatever you enjoy?

I don’t have a particular niche for my blog. I’m really passionate about the North East but I like exploring other areas within and beyond the UK and although I have pearls of wisdom from the day job in communications and public relations my interests are much wider than this. I didn’t want to restrict what I was able to write about and having the freedom to ramble as I wish is what I really enjoy about my blog and hopefully readers do too!

Who would you say are your blogging inspirations?

I admire quite a few bloggers and hope to keep learning and growing and finding new opportunities.
A few people have visited restaurants and stayed and visited places I have blogged and recommended which is really lovely. I think my inspirations come from wanting to help people whether that’s sharing tips to save money, how to keep your home warm or cool or some nice places to eat and visit.

How long have you been blogging?

I have been blogging for just over a year now – the time has absolutely flown by!

What is your favourite social media platform for sharing your blog?

This is tough as I use quite a few different platforms but if I had to choose I’d probably say Facebook groups for connecting with other bloggers and Twitter more so for promoting but also connecting with other bloggers. I have learnt so much from other bloggers and would definitely recommend finding a supportive Facebook group to join and take part in Twitter chats.

Networking isn’t just about growing your stats it’s about connecting and learning from other bloggers and reading some fantastic blog posts!

At first I joined loads of groups on Facebook and found it overwhelming; now I’m only in a handful and it’s much more manageable and enjoyable.

Any tips for new bloggers?

  • I’d definitely recommend connecting with other bloggers as the community can be so generous and knowledgeable. Join some Facebook groups, search the #bloggersrequest #bloggersrequest #bloggersrequired on Twitter. I also recommend joining in some Twitter chats too.
  • Try not to focus too much on the numbers like your stats and follower count – it will all come. Keep writing, learning and growing and the rest will fall into place.
  • Try not to be too shy – promote yourself and your blog. Put yourself forward for opportunities and collaborations.
  • But most of all I would say just start writing and enjoy it!

I completely agree with your tips Rachael, especially about promoting yourself ☺️ I love when someone tells you they have been somewhere because they read about it on your blog. It is such a good feeling, keep doing what you’re doing Rachael πŸ‘ŒπŸ½

Blogging; Meet Della βœˆοΈ

Today we’re going to get to know Della a bit more. From the name of her blog I can guess she loves Nutella πŸ˜‰ but she has a lovely insta feed (I love a holiday snap) 

What made you decide to start blogging?

I’ve always had a massive passion for writing and wanted a space to show my creativity. I’d already been a big fan of makeup gurus on YouTube and from that I discovered people’s blogs. After reading a few I thought, I’d love to do it – took the plunge and 5 years later never looked back. 

Do you have a blogging niche? Or do you just write about whatever you enjoy?

I think this is a tricky one! When I first started out it was mainly beauty and a bit of lifestyle but as my blog has grown over the years, I moved the focus more to travel as it’s become a huge passion of mine. I still post about beauty, lifestyle and books as well. 

Who would you say are your blogging inspirations?

There are so many blogging inspirations! From the big names like Zoella and Louise Pentland to my blogger friends who started at the same time as me. Every blogger inspires me as they’re sharing their thoughts with the world and doing something they love. 

How long have you been blogging?

I’ve been blogging since I was 16 in early 2013 so it’s coming on to 6 years now! 

What is your favourite social media platform for sharing your blog?

Twitter is definitely the best platform! I get to engage with loads of bloggers, talk in the community and share tips with everyone. 

Any tips for new bloggers?

Write what you love not what you think will be popular as you’ll find a niche audience for it – and enjoy it more. Engage with community and keep going, as blogging can be tough at times. But it’s the most rewarding thing in the world – I love it and hope I never stop.

You’re right Della, blogging can be tough! I completely agree with the engaging tip. Plus I love the name of your blog 😍😍

Blogging; Meet Em πŸ’ž

‘Ohhh this is so cute! I love the idea!’ I think this is a brilliant opening line! Let’s all meet Em! Such a lovely girl ☺️

What made you decide to start blogging? 

I decided to start blogging when I was 16 as a place to vent my emotions but quickly realised I just enjoyed writing and began to do reviews, looks and other posts!

Do you having a blogging niche? Or do you just write about whatever you enjoy? 

I don’t really have a blogging niche! I write about what I like but over all I usually say I’m a lifestyle blogger – I post about fashion, travel, beauty, photography and Mental Health! I just write what comes to me, then I try let it fit into my blog!

Who would you say are your blogging inspirations? 

I have so many! It all started with Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter like many other girls my age, but now I love β€œblog about a latte”, Safe Haven Anonyous Letters, Vix Meldrew and so many more!!!! Can I just give you my twitter following list?

How long have you been blogging? 

I’ve been blogging on and off since I was 16 but I made Pink Aesthetic on my current WordPress page back in March. It’s not perfect but it’s getting there!

What is your favourite social media platform for sharing your blog?

My favourite platform is definitely Twitter. I used to love Instagram but I find it hard to grow and the engagement isn’t as good as Twitter. Plus Twitter is like one big group chat!

Any tips for new bloggers? 

Write about what you love. The rest will come. I tried to fit in to what other bloggers were doing, tried to keep up with how fast they were getting sponsored posts/paid work and in the end it took the fun from blogging! I was taking collabs with things that didn’t fit with my blog and it made me feel rubbish about promoting my place online. So I gave it up and started afresh after some time away. It’s now just a place for me, if more comes from it then great and if not, that’s okay too. So basically, as my friends say when I’m about to make another *cough* bad drunk decision: you do you babe!

I looove the way you’ve described Twitter as a group chat! That is brilliant! 😍 great tips for newbies, thanks for sharing lovely.

Blogging; Meet Pau πŸ’žΒ 

Paulina is another girl I chat to daily so I’m so pleased you’ll all get to know her better too. She’s a Mexican beauty living in Scotland, so her Instagram feed is goals
What made you decide to start blogging? 

So I decided to create my own blog because after years and years of reading other people’s blogs I just really wanted to have my own little creative space in the internet. I also wanted to share my opinions, reviews and ideas about all the things that I love! 
Do you having a blogging niche? Or do you just write about whatever you enjoy? 

I don’t think I have a niche as theres a lot of things I love to talk about! I usually blog about fashion, makeup, skincare products and lifestyle things like travel and I want to start writing fitness posts as well as this is a massive part of my life. And of course I have been writing so much wedding content as I’m getting married in December this year 
Who would you say are your blogging inspirations? 

I absolutely love Victoria from inthefrow she’s just wow incredible and such an inspiration as she has managed to grow her brand into a massive thing! Also love Lydia elise millen 
How long have you been blogging? 

Not too long, started in 2017 and I’m not going to lie I haven’t been blogging as much recently as life just gets in the way but I absolutely love it! 
What is your favourite social media platform for sharing your blog?

I use Twitter lots and just share it with my other blogger friends as well!

Any tips for new bloggers? 

Just write about whatever you want and don’t compare yourself with anyone else! It’s all about having fun and being creative ❀

Great tips Pau ☺️ I didn’t realise you hadn’t been blogging for long! I definitely think you should do some fitness posts too

Lifestyle; Landys Chemist πŸ’Š

I was recently gifted some curcumin tablets (turmeric based) from Landys Chemist. I am not one to usually take a lot of tablets or supplements but I thought these would actually help me! I think you must know already if you’ve followed me for a while that I suffer from fibromyalgia so I get quite tired muscles & joints. So let’s give these a go! 

After I had been taking them for 10 days I already started to notice a difference. I am not somebody who suffers too much with my fibromyalgia in the summer months but I do also like to go to the gym & keep fit. That means I am definitely pushing my body beyond its boundaries! 

I took these supplements to help me be able to carry on working out. They helped. I honestly believe they helped. I managed to start going to spin classes again, which has always been my favourite way to get my cardio fix in. As long as still doing my weight workouts too. 

If you ever want to try anything natural to help ease your symptoms or just help you to feel stronger then I would highly recommend giving these a go. Do you take any supplements?

Blogging; Meet Soph πŸ‘‹πŸ½

Lets all say hey to Soph today! *Hello friends! I’m Soph from soph.creates* Soph is an everything blogger from soph.creates. She likes lounging around on the beach, puppies, and video games. Sophs favourite social media platform (generally) is Instagram. But is that what she loves to use for her blog? Who knows….

What made you decide to start blogging? 

I started blogging back in my childhood bedroom when I decided that it was time I took my diary writing public. I always had a fascination with documenting my life and being able to go back in time and read about all the things I was doing that day and I also loved to share. Blogging was really the only next logical step.

Do you having a blogging niche? Or do you just write about whatever you enjoy?

I definitely don’t have a blogging niche and I find it super hard to stick to one. Some days I’m a travel blogger, other days I’m a food blogger, and other days beauty and fashion. I tend to write about what I enjoy and these days it’s more about using my blog as an outlet to feel like I’m not just “working for the man” but also engaging in my hobbies.

Who would you say are your blogging inspirations?

I don’t really have blogging inspirations because my blog is pretty personal to me. It’s not really about getting to where anyone else has gotten, or writing in the same style as someone else. For me, my blog is for me and if people enjoy reading it then awesome.

How long have you been blogging? 

Counting all the blogs I had as a kid? Probably about 8 years now! On my current blog, soph.creates it’s been about 3 and a half years.

What is your favourite social media platform for sharing your blog?

Twitter! There’s something about Twitter that I’m finally starting to understand and I find the community on there to be great. All the bloggers I interact with are so genuine and lovely. They’re also super encouraging when it comes to writing and it pushes me to keep it up.

Any tips for new bloggers?

Set yourself some goals and work towards them. Those don’t have to be follower counts or pageviews. If anything they should be things that you want to gain for yourself rather than anyone else. Blogging for me is a way to become more comfortable with talking openly and sharing things I find important and my goals these days are things like “write two blog posts a week” or “spend an hour taking photos and editing them” – because those are the things that make me feel the most accomplished rather than having 10k followers (even though that would be nice!)

I love the tips! Setting goals like that is far better than goals to do with numbers & stats! I cannot believe how long you have been blogging, that is amazing 😍 

Bloggers; Meet Luce πŸ’œ

Today we’re meeting Lucy. Hello lovely πŸ‘‹πŸ½   Isn’t she such a stunner?!

What made you decide to start blogging? 

I started blogging because I had to do blogging modules as part of my PR degree and one day I just decided to create my own personal blog. The first day I pushed it out was very scary!  

Do you having a blogging niche? Or do you just write about whatever you enjoy? 

I started out blogging about beauty, fashion and uni life. Which has now evolved into lifestyle, fitness, events and food. I’d describe myself as a β€˜lifestyle blogger’, and essentially all my categories are a huge part of my own lifestyle!

Who would you say are your blogging inspirations? 

I’m so bad at reading other people’s blog outside out of work (I work in PR and basically sit and read blogs most of the day!) But I tend to support my fellow bloggers more through Instagram.

How long have you been blogging? 

I’ve been blogging for almost 4 years now which is crazy! 

What is your favourite social media platform for sharing your blog? 
I prefer sharing my content on Instagram, as I like sharing the images I use in my blogs. But I think twitter and Pinterest are much better for generating traffic!

Any tips for new bloggers? 

Buy your own domain straight away! Just for SEO benefits and brands and agencies are more likely to work with you. Also use your area hashtags on twitter and insta (eg. #leedsbloggers) it’ll let PRs know where you live, meaning you’re more likely to get invited to events!

Thanks Luce for sharing this with everyone! I’d love to have a job like yours, completely jealous 😍 Plus… I didn’t even think about the area hashtags so thanks for the tip πŸ’πŸ½