What I eat in a week; almost everything β˜•οΈπŸŒ

A lot of people had been asking for this post. These are just a few of the meals that I have in a week! I am in no way saying this is what others should be eating by the way, far from it, but it’s some ideas for you ☺️ 

Breakfast: most important meal of the day

I used to skip this quite a lot πŸ™ˆ now I wonder how I managed to function when I did. I’m always hungry… so I love oats, granola, yoghurt, fruits etc. These are usually what I have during the week. At the weekend I would either have this again or protein pancakes which I personally think are delicious. So I would either have granola with natural yoghurt, fresh or frozen fruit (banana, raspberries, strawberries) with a drizzle of honey & topped with chia seeds. Overnight oats are another fav of mine, plain porridge oats, milk & frozen fruit. Pop it in the fridge overnight so they soak & voila, perfecto πŸ’πŸ½ If you’re opting for the pancake route I use women’s best unflavoured pancake mix, I add a scoop of banana whey powder too & sometimes even chocolate as well πŸ™„ for the topping, depends on what I’m fancying but, chocolate protein creme (not quite Nutella, sometimes I swap) a banana, some strawberries & raspberries, a squeeze of honey & some chia seeds. It’s so tasty, trust me. 

Lunch: whether you’re at work or not

A tasty salad. When I say salad it is jam packed; lettuce, spinach, boiled egg, tuna, peppers, cucumber, tomatoes, beetroot, bacon, chicken etc. So so yummy & full of goodies. Sweet potato jacket potato, with tuna or whatever your fav topping is. Sometimes I switch it up & have my protein pancakes at lunch too. Or I really enjoy making homemade soups, they’re so much more tasty than bought ones. Tomato & red pepper is my ultimate fav πŸ…

Dinner: this is when it gets hard

So usually I have proper meals, like spag bol, or a curry etc. All I have done different here is cut out the naan bread or garlic bread as you don’t NEED it. Another fav thing to have is fish with roasted peppers, courgettes etc. Soooo yummy. Or with a salad works just as well. Don’t get me wrong I love fajitas & other meals too πŸ˜‹

I try, see the word try, to drink as much as I possibly can πŸ™„ I know I don’t drink as much as I should which is something I need to work on, but I have definitely upped this a lot. I also used to drink a lot of tea, I’ve really cut this down & I no longer have any sugar in my tea as well πŸ’πŸ½  that’s a big thing for me πŸ™ŒπŸ½

Any other meal ideas would be greatly appreciated as you can never have to many food ideas up your sleeve πŸ˜‹ 

Caitlin xo πŸ˜‹πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

Body confidence.. The truth hurts πŸ™…πŸ½

To most people I may look like a confident girl, but the truth is I really struggle with my body. I lack confidence, I have low self esteem. Plain & simple. In no way am I overweight or not beautiful BUT what most people don’t understand is that it doesn’t matter what you look like you can still feel unattractive or not good enough.

This is a deep blog for me πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™ˆ sorry loves. But it’s also one that needs to be written. 

I have decided to start properly on my fitness now. Yeah I used to go to the gym or do my weights at home etc, but I wasn’t eating properly. I’d still eat pizza or Chinese. I don’t know what has done it, but something has made me click & think ‘I really need to sort myself out’ πŸ’‘ I’ve been finding that I feel at my worst in a gym… Like I honestly have not felt this sort of feeling before, it’s horrible so I need to snap out of it. I don’t have a flat tummy, I don’t have the peachiest of bums, I have wobbly thighs & stupidly sized boobs.. Oh god πŸ™ˆ really selling myself here πŸ˜‚  I know everyone is different but I need to do this for myself, nobody else. 

So, I have bought myself a mahoosive bundle of goodies to get me on the right track πŸ’ͺ🏽 I can do this right?! 

For starters; women’s best

I bought 2x shakers, either my mum is going to use one or I can have a spare to leave in my car for when I go to the other halves (well thought out I know) πŸ’πŸ½  I also bought a tub of whey protein in banana flavour (totally my fav flavour) I was making shakes with banana’s before because vanilla is just boring πŸ˜‚  this is soooo tasty! Then because I am a pancake addict, I bought a tub of protein pancake mix, unflavoured because I bought some protein creme in chocolate flavour πŸ™„ so it’s like I’m having a treat, but it’s good for me πŸ™ŒπŸ½  yaay 

Next up; cute nutrition

This stuff is just ridiculously CUTE 😜 really love their packaging too. It’s about time something girly came up in this industry. So I got myself a mug, for when I have my your tea, lemon water, or green tea β˜•οΈ some chocolate bars, yes more chocolate but these are guilt free 🍫 & they taste like the real deal πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ & another shake mix, but this time it’s porn star martini flavoured! Lastly the fabulous pink oversized hoodie, I love this! I am now an affiliate of cute nutrition, so if you’re after some goodies click the link above πŸ’‹ I also love their logo, how could you not though? 

Lastly; gymshark clothing

I bought some super comfy leggings, I do have some lovely Victoria’s Secret ones, but they’re cropped so I thought I’d prepare for when it’s not so warm, keep me motivated through the colder weather. I also thought I’d get some white trainer socks πŸ‘Ÿ I hate to see too much sock round my ankle πŸ˜‚ 
So my motivation is sky high πŸ™ŒπŸ½ I can do this! I hope nobody else out there feels the same way about their body, but know that if you do, like me, you can start today πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ˜˜ 

Caitlin xoπŸ’•